Saturday, March 31, 2007

Chicago- cholesterol, beer and brick

I hail from the midwest. It is a place, according to my California friends, with simple people doing simple things. It is the land of fanny packs and feathered hair, bible banging and country bumpkinisms.

While this is true of some parts, it is not indicative of the great city of Chicago or any of the great lakes states. Many people confuse the plains with the
midwest, which pisses off midwesterners. Imagine if somebody said that LA and SF were inherently the same...and they described both cities as they would FRESNO.

Hopefully this map can be of some assistance. This is the US as I've grown to see it.

The truth is, Chicago is a place of sophistication and humility. We work hard, party hard, eat well, and usually have no troubles getting to work on time if we
are using public transit.

This is what Chicago looks like in the summertime. The blurriness is humidity (or maybe just my shitty camera) which lingers around at night and makes you look all sweaty and horny when you're out at the clubs.

This is what a Chicago winter looks like. It is especially pretty because it is outside of my old apartment. This is actually a nice vision of snow (did you know that Californian's have one word for snow? Tahoe.) This is when it is pristine and poetry-inspiring. The next day it becomes sludgey and cumbersome and makes old men have heart attacks because they insist on shoveling their walks instead of paying the kids down the block $5 to do the job for them- now their wives are widows, the snow is still unshoveled, and the kids down the block are now stealing cars to make money.

Some chicagoans do indeed look like this,

my father is one of them.

I hope this has been a valuable lesson in domestic affairs.

1 comment:

Mama Shea said...

Welcome to Blogspot.

I'll be checking in regularly.

You should know I've added a link on my blog to your's so be prepared for an influx of 2, maybe 3, visits a month.