Sunday, November 16, 2008


I think I've perfected my method of making things happen for my clients-

1. call the restaurant/hotel/spa, etc

2. act as if i've already been confirmed/told something

3. mention that my client is a major VIP for a huge company

4. get panicky because I am sooooo about to lose my job.

5. wait for hostess to take sympathy on me and transfer me to a manager.

6. Flirt with reckless abandon with a male manager, upping the damsel in distress routine to epic proportions. "Oh my god, you are such a sweetheart! You just saved me my job!" is quite effective. Kiss the ass of a female manager, thanking her profusely for taking time out of her busy day.

7. call my client, unleash my magic on their asses. Attribute it to my powers of persuasion when it comes to such an important client.

8. go home, take an extra long shower to clean off the deceit.

1 comment:

corndog said...

Here's an odd thing: why does flirting work over the phone, across cities, when there is no reasonable likelihood that the man you're flirting with is ever going to be able to follow upmon your supposed advances?

I say this as a man upon whom this technique has of course worked a million times, and I can't explain it. Somehow it just seems like, if I am extra nice and give her what she wants, I will really truly be able to get some. But why?