Friday, August 10, 2007

Another incident in which I treat my 160K education as a joke

So the class I need to complete my Women's Studies minor (technically it is called Gender and Sexualities Studies, but apparently there is only one gender) is the exact same time as my Led Zeppelin class....and I had to make a choice.

Gender and the Media class

Patriarchy is a bitch of a word to spell

Very good chance of a professor who hails my insight and fresh opinion and puts off all major assignments until the end of the semester, only to give me a c minus for being off topic

I'd have to register my minor in admissions or wherever. Those departments scare me.

VERY good chance of me getting into a huge, annoying argument with the gals in class because I'm pro porn and think Catharine MacKinnon really does just need to get laid.

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Led Zeppelin

I wouldn't have to buy any books....or CDs

Will be able to adventure into the park for some pre-class herbal jazz and not feel one bit out of place in class

Semester topics include: sex, drugs, rock and roll- divided into two sub units rockin and rollin'

Will try my best to write a paper about how 'That's The Way' is the gayest song of all time

Shake for me girl, I wanna be your backdoor man!

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Who really gives a fuck about minors anyways? Besides Republican congressmen. Woah. Dated zing.

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