Sunday, December 16, 2007

Quitting Smoking: take 3

I'm not surprised at the fact that although I graduated college two days ago, I've entered a hyper-productive frenzy. It takes me a while to ween off of manic behavior. My newest project is my third attempt at breaking up with my friend, the cigarette.

I have a genius three part plan.

Part one: attend Kaiser's smoking cessation workshop on Monday night. Get my little certificate that allows me to receive Wellbutrin at my copay price.

Part two: Wednesday afternoon physical with my doctor, get the prescription.

Part three: I'm supposed to quit ten days after starting the Wellbutrin. As a gift, the love robot was kind enough to give me a full body massage and communal bath access at the Kabuki Springs and Spa. My appointment is set for my quit day so I can be all relaxed and distracted and somewhat detoxed.

The hippie in me is a bit weirded out at taking an antidepressant (which Wellbutrin also serves as) but I know plenty of people who recommend it. While I'm sure my moods could use a little leveling out, I don't want to become a zombie. I dig the highs and lows.

Wish me luck, and forgive my upcoming bitchiness.

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